
Next Generation Triple Zero (NG000)

NSW Ambulance control centre (7)Established in 1961, the Emergency Call Service (Triple Zero (000)) has served the Australian community effectively in managing emergencies and critical incidents.  The resilience and success of the ECS can be attributed to: a national approach; one provider for Triple Zero (000) and one provider for 106; and, a strong collaborative approach between governments, Emergency Service Organisations, providers and carriers.  The future success of the ECS will be guaranteed by enhancing this national collaborative approach, which will be leveraged to ensure the successful coordinated development, implementation and governance of Next Generation Triple Zero (NG000).

The Next Generation Emergency Call Service will enable any person requiring emergency assistance to use any device anywhere anytime to connect to emergency services.

Situation and challenge:

  • Today, only voice communications are available for communicating with emergency services operators, however the community is increasingly expecting more
  • Rapidly changing technology means better quality information is available to better service the community. NG911 and NG112 in the US and Europe are taking advantage of these technologies to deliver a multi-channel capability resulting in improved community outcomes
  • The current model, which remains effective, relies on service provision via an ECP however the recent review of the ECP service model presents an important opportunity to adapt to changing needs
  • Failing to deliver on community expectations, remaining reactive and falling behind international best practice will affect public trust in Emergency Service Operators and the Government

NG000    The Next Generation Triple Zero (NG000) Strategy was developed to consider and address the challenges facing the Triple Zero (000) service both now and in the future.

Vision and benefits of NG000:

  • Revolutionise the current Triple Zero (000) service with a vision that any person in Australia requiring emergency assistance can use “any device, anywhere, anytime” to contact emergency services
  • The NG000 vision is underpinned by three strategic pillars: (1) a multi channel approach, (2) interoperable systems and enabling technology and (3) an agile operating model which are supported by common principles of change management, regulation and employee capability and training
  • Engagement, governance and funding are key enablers to the strategy and proposed framework for NG000
  • To leverage the success of the current service which operates as a national system, the strategic pillars and enablers will deliver a common national approach
  • Delivery of NG000 will result in improved outcomes for the community and continued value and integrity of the Emergency Call Service

Current Focus Areas of NG000:

  • Location identification
  • SMS and other non-voice contacts to Triple Zero (000)
  • In-vehicle Telematics
  • Emergency Communications Apps